Demo: Refactoring, docstrings and tweaks

This commit is contained in:
Serhii Snitsaruk 2024-02-04 16:00:43 +01:00
parent c925bab659
commit 7949330c90
20 changed files with 133 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ce16nc0wy2s8" path="res://demo/assets/agent_charger.png" id="2_y7pic"]
[ext_resource type="BehaviorTree" uid="uid://ylife72ym5et" path="res://demo/ai/trees/02_agent_charger.tres" id="3_nacc3"]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_b4r3u"]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_pmyhf"]
var/speed/name = "speed"
var/speed/type = 3
var/speed/value = 400.0
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var/speed/hint = 1
var/speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/charge_speed/name = "charge_speed"
var/charge_speed/type = 3
var/charge_speed/value = 800.0
var/charge_speed/value = 1000.0
var/charge_speed/hint = 1
var/charge_speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ texture = ExtResource("2_y7pic")
[node name="BTPlayer" type="BTPlayer" parent="." index="4"]
behavior_tree = ExtResource("3_nacc3")
blackboard_plan = SubResource("BlackboardPlan_b4r3u")
blackboard_plan = SubResource("BlackboardPlan_pmyhf")

View File

@ -4,12 +4,17 @@
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://bo0ibp7tvjbba" path="res://demo/assets/agent_combo.png" id="2_4rqld"]
[ext_resource type="BehaviorTree" uid="uid://cpncl1db8j12f" path="res://demo/ai/trees/06_agent_melee_combo.tres" id="3_l805q"]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_78rmu"]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_67ric"]
var/speed/name = "speed"
var/speed/type = 3
var/speed/value = 400.0
var/speed/hint = 1
var/speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/charge_speed/name = "charge_speed"
var/charge_speed/type = 3
var/charge_speed/value = 1000.0
var/charge_speed/hint = 0
var/charge_speed/hint_string = ""
[node name="AgentMeleeCombo" instance=ExtResource("1_dny3b")]
@ -31,11 +36,9 @@ texture = ExtResource("2_4rqld")
[node name="HandR" parent="Root/Rig/Body" index="2"]
texture = ExtResource("2_4rqld")
[node name="WeaponNinjaStar" parent="Root" index="2"]
position = Vector2(-55, -76)
rotation = 0.0
[node name="WeaponNinjaStar" parent="Root" index="1"]
scale = Vector2(0.999983, 0.999976)
[node name="BTPlayer" type="BTPlayer" parent="." index="4"]
behavior_tree = ExtResource("3_l805q")
blackboard_plan = SubResource("BlackboardPlan_78rmu")
blackboard_plan = SubResource("BlackboardPlan_67ric")

View File

@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
extends CharacterBody2D
## Base agent script.
## Base agent script that is shared by all agents.
# Resource file to use in summon_minion() method.
const MINION_RESOURCE := "res://demo/agents/03_agent_imp.tscn"
# Projectile resource.
const NinjaStar := preload("res://demo/agents/ninja_star/ninja_star.tscn")
const Fireball := preload("res://demo/agents/fireball/fireball.tscn")
@ -22,21 +25,21 @@ const Fireball := preload("res://demo/agents/fireball/fireball.tscn")
@onready var collision_shape_2d: CollisionShape2D = $CollisionShape2D
@onready var summoning_effect: GPUParticles2D = $FX/Summoned
var _frames_since_facing_update: int = 0
var _is_dead: bool = false
func _ready() -> void:
## Update agent's facing in the velocity direction.
func update_facing() -> void:
_frames_since_facing_update += 1
if _frames_since_facing_update > 3:
## Face specified direction.
func face_dir(dir: float) -> void:
if dir > 0.0 and root.scale.x < 0.0:
root.scale.x = 1.0;
@ -72,6 +75,7 @@ func summon_minion(p_position: Vector2) -> void:
## Method is used when this agent is summoned from the dungeons of the castle AaaAaaAAAAAaaAAaaaaaa
func play_summoning_effect() -> void:
summoning_effect.emitting = true
@ -86,6 +90,7 @@ func is_good_position(p_position: Vector2) -> bool:
return collision.is_empty()
## When agent is damaged...
func _damaged(_amount: float, knockback: Vector2) -> void:
@ -102,6 +107,7 @@ func _damaged(_amount: float, knockback: Vector2) -> void:
## Push agent in the knockback direction for the specified number of physics frames.
func apply_knockback(knockback: Vector2, frames: int = 10) -> void:
if knockback.is_zero_approx():

View File

@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ class_name Health
extends Node
## Tracks health and emits signal when damaged or dead.
## Emitted when health is reduced to 0.
signal death
## Emitted when health is damaged.
signal damaged(amount: float, knockback: Vector2)
## Initial health value.
@export var max_health: float = 10.0
var _current: float
@ -38,5 +41,6 @@ func take_damage(amount: float, knockback: Vector2) -> void:
damaged.emit(amount, knockback)
## Returns current health.
func get_current() -> float:
return _current

View File

@ -12,10 +12,16 @@ class_name Hitbox
extends Area2D
## Area that deals damage.
## Damage value to apply.
@export var damage: float = 1.0
## Push back the victim.
@export var knockback_enabled: bool = false
## Desired pushback speed.
@export var knockback_strength: float = 500.0
func _ready() -> void:

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ class_name Hurtbox
extends Area2D
## Area that registers damage.
@export var health: Health
var last_attack_vector: Vector2

View File

@ -10,11 +10,17 @@
extends BTAction
## Arrive to a position, with a bias to horizontal movement.
## ArrivePos: Arrive to a position, with a bias to horizontal movement.
## Returns SUCCESS when close to the target position (see tolerance);
## otherwise returns RUNNING.
## Blackboard variable that stores the target position (Vector2)
@export var target_position_var := "pos"
## Variable that stores desired speed (float)
@export var speed_var := "speed"
## How close should the agent be to the target position to return SUCCESS.
@export var tolerance := 50.0
@ -30,10 +36,13 @@ func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
var speed: float = blackboard.get_var(speed_var, 10.0)
var dist: float = absf(agent.global_position.x - target_pos.x)
var dir: Vector2 = agent.global_position.direction_to(target_pos)
# Prefer horizontal movement:
var vertical_factor: float = remap(dist, 200.0, 500.0, 1.0, 0.0)
vertical_factor = clampf(vertical_factor, 0.0, 1.0)
var dir: Vector2 = agent.global_position.direction_to(target_pos)
dir.y *= vertical_factor
var desired_velocity: Vector2 = dir.normalized() * speed
agent.velocity = lerp(agent.velocity, desired_velocity, 0.2)

View File

@ -13,14 +13,19 @@ extends BTAction
## BackAway
## Returns RUNNING always.
## Blackboard variable that stores desired speed.
@export var speed_var: String = "speed"
## How much can we deviate from the "away" direction (in radians).
@export var max_angle_deviation: float = 0.7
var _dir: Vector2
var _desired_velocity: Vector2
# Called each time this task is entered.
func _enter() -> void:
# Determine "away" direction and desired velocity
_dir = Vector2.LEFT * agent.get_facing()
var speed: float = blackboard.get_var(speed_var, 200.0)
var rand_angle = randf_range(-max_angle_deviation, max_angle_deviation)

View File

@ -10,8 +10,10 @@
extends BTAction
## FaceTarget
## FaceTarget and return SUCCESS.
## Returns FAILURE if target is not a valid Node2D instance.
## Blackboard variable that stores our target (expecting Node2D).
@export var target_var: String = "target"
# Display a customized name (requires @tool).

View File

@ -10,10 +10,13 @@
extends BTAction
## Get first node in group and save it to the blackboard.
## Returns FAILURE if group contains 0 nodes.
## Name of the SceneTree group.
@export var group: StringName
## Blackboard variable in which the task will store the acquired node.
@export var output_var: String = "target"
@ -24,6 +27,8 @@ func _generate_name() -> String:
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
var node = agent.get_tree().get_first_node_in_group(group)
blackboard.set_var(output_var, node)
var nodes: Array[Node] = agent.get_tree().get_nodes_in_group(group)
if nodes.size() == 0:
return FAILURE
blackboard.set_var(output_var, nodes[0])
return SUCCESS

View File

@ -16,8 +16,13 @@ extends BTCondition
## Returns SUCCESS if the agent is within the defined range;
## otherwise, returns FAILURE.
## Minimum distance to target.
@export var distance_min: float
## Maximum distance to target.
@export var distance_max: float
## Blackboard variable that holds the target (expecting Node2D).
@export var target_var := "target"
var _min_distance_squared: float
@ -26,24 +31,25 @@ var _max_distance_squared: float
# Called to generate a display name for the task.
func _generate_name() -> String:
return "InRange (%d, %d) of %s" % [distance_min, distance_max,
return "InRange (%d, %d) of %s" % [distance_min, distance_max,
# Called to initialize the task.
func _setup() -> void:
_min_distance_squared = distance_min * distance_min
_max_distance_squared = distance_max * distance_max
## Small performace optimization
_min_distance_squared = distance_min * distance_min
_max_distance_squared = distance_max * distance_max
# Called when the task is executed.
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
var target: Node2D = blackboard.get_var(target_var, null)
if not is_instance_valid(target):
return FAILURE
var target: Node2D = blackboard.get_var(target_var, null)
if not is_instance_valid(target):
return FAILURE
var dist_sq: float = agent.global_position.distance_squared_to(target.global_position)
if dist_sq >= _min_distance_squared and dist_sq <= _max_distance_squared:
return SUCCESS
return FAILURE
var dist_sq: float = agent.global_position.distance_squared_to(target.global_position)
if dist_sq >= _min_distance_squared and dist_sq <= _max_distance_squared:
return SUCCESS
return FAILURE

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#* =============================================================================
#* Copyright 2021-2024 Serhii Snitsaruk
@ -10,22 +10,27 @@
extends BTAction
## LeapForward: Applies force each tick until duration is exceeded.
## MoveForward: Applies velocity each tick until duration is exceeded.
## Returns SUCCESS if elapsed time exceeded duration.
## Returns RUNNING if elapsed time didn't exceed duration.
## Blackboard variable that stores desired speed.
@export var speed_var: String = "speed"
@export var force: float = 1000.0
## How long to perform this task (in seconds).
@export var duration: float = 0.1
# Display a customized name (requires @tool).
func _generate_name() -> String:
return "LeapForward force: " + str(force)
return "MoveForward speed: %s duration: %ss" % [
# Called each time this task is ticked (aka executed).
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
var facing: float = agent.get_facing()
var desired_velocity: Vector2 = Vector2.RIGHT * facing * force
var speed: float = blackboard.get_var(speed_var, 100.0)
var desired_velocity: Vector2 = Vector2.RIGHT * facing * speed
agent.velocity = lerp(agent.velocity, desired_velocity, 0.2)

View File

@ -16,24 +16,32 @@ extends BTAction
## Returns SUCCESS, when at the desired position from target (flanking it).
## Returns FAILURE, if target is not a valid Node2D instance.
## How close should the agent be to the desired position to return SUCCESS.
const TOLERANCE := 30.0
## Blackboard variable that stores our target (expecting Node2D).
@export var target_var: String = "target"
## Blackboard variable that stores desired speed.
@export var speed_var: String = "speed"
## Desired distance from target.
@export var approach_distance: float = 100.0
#var _side: float
var _waypoint: Vector2
# Display a customized name (requires @tool).
func _generate_name() -> String:
return "Pursue %s" % [LimboUtility.decorate_var(target_var)]
# Called each time this task is entered.
func _enter() -> void:
var target: Node2D = blackboard.get_var(target_var, null)
if is_instance_valid(target):
# Movement is performed in smaller steps.
# For each step, we select a new waypoint.
@ -47,9 +55,10 @@ func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
if agent.global_position.distance_to(desired_pos) < TOLERANCE:
return SUCCESS
var speed: float = blackboard.get_var(speed_var, 200.0)
if agent.global_position.distance_to(_waypoint) < TOLERANCE:
var speed: float = blackboard.get_var(speed_var, 200.0)
var desired_velocity: Vector2 = agent.global_position.direction_to(_waypoint) * speed
agent.velocity = lerp(agent.velocity, desired_velocity, 0.2)
@ -57,7 +66,7 @@ func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
return RUNNING
## Get closest flanking position to target.
## Get the closest flanking position to target.
func _get_desired_position(target: Node2D) -> Vector2:
var side: float = signf(agent.global_position.x - target.global_position.x)
var desired_pos: Vector2 = target.global_position

View File

@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ enum AgentSide {
## Blackboard variable that holds current target (should be a Node2D instance).
@export var target_var: String = "target"
## Should closest side be selected?
@export var closest_side: bool = false
## Which agent's side should we flank?
@export var flank_side: AgentSide = AgentSide.CLOSEST
## Minimum range relative to the target.
@ -37,6 +35,7 @@ enum AgentSide {
## Blackboard variable that will be used to store selected position.
@export var position_var: String = "pos"
# Display a customized name (requires @tool).
func _generate_name() -> String:
return "SelectFlankingPos target: %s range: [%s, %s] side: %s%s" % [
@ -46,17 +45,18 @@ func _generate_name() -> String:
# Called each time this task is ticked (aka executed).
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
var target := blackboard.get_var(target_var) as Node2D
if not is_instance_valid(target):
return FAILURE
var dir: float
var dir: float # 1.0 is right, -1.0 is left (relative to target)
match flank_side:
dir = signf(target.global_position.x - agent.global_position.x)
AgentSide.CLOSEST :
dir = -signf(target.global_position.x - agent.global_position.x)
dir = -target.get_facing()

View File

@ -3,23 +3,29 @@ extends BTAction
## SelectRandomNearbyPos: Select a position nearby within specified range.
## Returns SUCCESS.
## Maximum distance to the desired position.
## Minimum distance to the desired position.
@export var range_min: float = 300.0
## Maximum distance to the desired position.
@export var range_max: float = 500.0
## Blackboard variable that will be used to store the desired position.
@export var position_var: String = "pos"
# Display a customized name (requires @tool).
func _generate_name() -> String:
return "SelectRandomNearbyPos range: [%s, %s] ➜%s" % [
range_min, range_max,
# Called each time this task is ticked (aka executed).
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
var pos: Vector2
var is_good_position: bool = false
while not is_good_position:
# Randomize until we find a good position (in other words, not outside the arena)
# Randomize until we find a good position (good position == not outside the arena).
var angle: float = randf() * TAU
var rand_distance: float = randf_range(range_min, range_max)
pos = agent.global_position + Vector2(sin(angle), cos(angle)) * rand_distance

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="2_t3udh"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="3_u2ra5"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="4_xwjl7"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="5_f6dg8"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="5_ucvak"]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_qd806"]
var/speed/name = "speed"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ var/speed/hint = 1
var/speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/charge_speed/name = "charge_speed"
var/charge_speed/type = 3
var/charge_speed/value = 800.0
var/charge_speed/value = 1000.0
var/charge_speed/hint = 1
var/charge_speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ output_var = "target"
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_pmvd0"]
script = ExtResource("2_t3udh")
target_var = "target"
closest_side = false
flank_side = 0
range_min = 500
range_max = 600
@ -98,8 +97,8 @@ animation_name = &"charge"
blend = 0.05
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_o18uk"]
script = ExtResource("5_f6dg8")
force = 1000.0
script = ExtResource("5_ucvak")
speed_var = "charge_speed"
duration = 2.0
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_8lur1"]

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="2_5nwkp"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="3_3tom2"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="4_hi228"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="5_fpbac"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="5_au5yc"]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_46tbn"]
var/speed/name = "speed"
@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ var/speed/type = 3
var/speed/value = 400.0
var/speed/hint = 1
var/speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/charge_speed/name = "charge_speed"
var/charge_speed/type = 3
var/charge_speed/value = 1000.0
var/charge_speed/hint = 0
var/charge_speed/hint_string = ""
[sub_resource type="BBNode" id="BBNode_nrd4b"]
saved_value = NodePath("AnimationPlayer")
@ -38,7 +43,6 @@ children = [SubResource("BTPlayAnimation_qiw21"), SubResource("BTRandomWait_xlud
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_85keo"]
script = ExtResource("2_5nwkp")
target_var = "target"
closest_side = true
flank_side = 0
range_min = 300
range_max = 400
@ -83,8 +87,8 @@ animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_s8evu")
animation_name = &"attack_1"
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_u22bc"]
script = ExtResource("5_fpbac")
force = 1000.0
script = ExtResource("5_au5yc")
speed_var = "charge_speed"
duration = 0.1
[sub_resource type="BTParallel" id="BTParallel_ec2e3"]
@ -104,8 +108,8 @@ animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_3oljv")
animation_name = &"attack_2"
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_yuxl3"]
script = ExtResource("5_fpbac")
force = 1000.0
script = ExtResource("5_au5yc")
speed_var = "charge_speed"
duration = 0.1
[sub_resource type="BTParallel" id="BTParallel_thojy"]
@ -125,8 +129,8 @@ animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_ot40l")
animation_name = &"attack_3"
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_rwp18"]
script = ExtResource("5_fpbac")
force = 1000.0
script = ExtResource("5_au5yc")
speed_var = "charge_speed"
duration = 0.1
[sub_resource type="BTParallel" id="BTParallel_qmdfb"]

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ extends CharacterBody2D
@onready var hurtbox: Hurtbox = $Hurtbox
@onready var root: Node2D = $Root
func _on_health_damaged(_amount: float, _knockback: Vector2) -> void:
root.scale.x = -signf(hurtbox.last_attack_vector.x)
animation_player.clear_queue()"hurt", 0.1)
func get_facing() -> float:
return signf(root.scale.x)

View File

@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ func _on_agent_selection_id_pressed(id: int) -> void:
agent_selection.text = bt_player.behavior_tree.resource_path.get_file()
previous.disabled = id == 0
next.disabled = id == 8
next.disabled = id == (agent_files.size()-1)