Demo: Implement skirmisher AI

This commit is contained in:
Serhii Snitsaruk 2024-02-02 16:13:11 +01:00
parent 778ee80dda
commit dc8aaa6098
11 changed files with 296 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +1,35 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://co6yeafaljbq0"]
[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://co6yeafaljbq0"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ooigbfhfy4wa" path="res://demo/agents/agent_base.tscn" id="1_2ir76"]
[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://l042ovqqsy3l" path="res://demo/assets/agent_skirmisher.png" id="2_w8tqw"]
[ext_resource type="BehaviorTree" uid="uid://qqmjvbeibatn" path="res://demo/ai/trees/enemy_melee_skirmisher.tres" id="3_bhfkv"]
[node name="Bobby" instance=ExtResource("1_2ir76")]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_vjbry"]
var/speed/name = "speed"
var/speed/type = 3
var/speed/value = 400.0
var/speed/hint = 1
var/speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/fast_speed/name = "fast_speed"
var/fast_speed/type = 3
var/fast_speed/value = 600.0
var/fast_speed/hint = 1
var/fast_speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/slow_speed/name = "slow_speed"
var/slow_speed/type = 3
var/slow_speed/value = 300.0
var/slow_speed/hint = 1
var/slow_speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
[node name="LegL" parent="Root/Rig" index="0"]
[node name="AgentSkirmisher" instance=ExtResource("1_2ir76")]
[node name="LegL" parent="Root/Rig" index="1"]
texture = ExtResource("2_w8tqw")
[node name="LegR" parent="Root/Rig" index="1"]
[node name="LegR" parent="Root/Rig" index="2"]
texture = ExtResource("2_w8tqw")
[node name="Body" parent="Root/Rig" index="2"]
[node name="Body" parent="Root/Rig" index="3"]
texture = ExtResource("2_w8tqw")
[node name="Hat" parent="Root/Rig/Body" index="0"]
@ -22,3 +40,7 @@ texture = ExtResource("2_w8tqw")
[node name="HandR" parent="Root/Rig/Body" index="2"]
texture = ExtResource("2_w8tqw")
[node name="BTPlayer" type="BTPlayer" parent="." index="4"]
behavior_tree = ExtResource("3_bhfkv")
blackboard_plan = SubResource("BlackboardPlan_vjbry")

View File

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ collision_mask = 1
script = ExtResource("2_24nyi")
[node name="WeaponNinjaStar" parent="Root" index="2"]
position = Vector2(-55, -76)
rotation = 0.0
scale = Vector2(0.999983, 0.999976)
[node name="Hitbox" parent="Root" index="3"]

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ extends BTAction
## Arrive to a position, with a bias to horizontal movement.
@export var target_position_var := "target_position"
@export var target_position_var := "pos"
@export var speed_var := "speed"
@export var tolerance := 50.0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#* =============================================================================
#* Copyright 2021-2024 Serhii Snitsaruk
#* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
#* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#* =============================================================================
extends BTAction
## BackAway
## Returns RUNNING always.
@export var speed_var: String = "speed"
@export var max_angle_deviation: float = 0.7
var _dir: Vector2
var _desired_velocity: Vector2
# Called each time this task is entered.
func _enter() -> void:
_dir = Vector2.LEFT * agent.get_facing()
var speed: float = blackboard.get_var(speed_var, 200.0)
var rand_angle = randf_range(-max_angle_deviation, max_angle_deviation)
_desired_velocity = _dir.rotated(rand_angle) * speed
# Called each time this task is ticked (aka executed).
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
agent.velocity = lerp(agent.velocity, _desired_velocity, 0.2)
return RUNNING

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#* =============================================================================
#* Copyright 2021-2024 Serhii Snitsaruk
#* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
#* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#* =============================================================================
extends BTCondition
## InRange condition checks if the agent is within a range of target,
## defined by distance_min and distance_max.
## Returns SUCCESS if the agent is within the defined range;
## otherwise, returns FAILURE.
@export var distance_min: float
@export var distance_max: float
@export var target_var := "target"
var _min_distance_squared: float
var _max_distance_squared: float
# Called to generate a display name for the task.
func _generate_name() -> String:
return "InRange (%d, %d) of %s" % [distance_min, distance_max,
# Called to initialize the task.
func _setup() -> void:
_min_distance_squared = distance_min * distance_min
_max_distance_squared = distance_max * distance_max
# Called when the task is executed.
func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
var target: Node2D = blackboard.get_var(target_var, null)
if not is_instance_valid(target):
return FAILURE
var dist_sq: float = agent.global_position.distance_squared_to(target.global_position)
if dist_sq >= _min_distance_squared and dist_sq <= _max_distance_squared:
return SUCCESS
return FAILURE

View File

@ -13,12 +13,21 @@ extends BTAction
## SelectFlankingPos on the side of a target, and return SUCCESS.
## Returns FAILURE, if the target is not valid.
enum AgentSide {
## Blackboard variable that holds current target (should be a Node2D instance).
@export var target_var: String = "target"
## Should closest side be selected?
@export var closest_side: bool = false
@export var flank_side: AgentSide = AgentSide.CLOSEST
## Minimum range relative to the target.
@export var range_min: int = 300
@ -26,15 +35,15 @@ extends BTAction
@export var range_max: int = 400
## Blackboard variable that will be used to store selected position.
@export var position_var: String = "flank_pos"
@export var position_var: String = "pos"
# Display a customized name (requires @tool).
func _generate_name() -> String:
return "SelectFlankingPos target: %s range: [%s, %s] closest: %s%s" % [
return "SelectFlankingPos target: %s range: [%s, %s] side: %s%s" % [
# Called each time this task is ticked (aka executed).
@ -43,10 +52,19 @@ func _tick(_delta: float) -> Status:
if not is_instance_valid(target):
return FAILURE
var dir: float = signf(target.global_position.x - agent.global_position.x)
if closest_side:
dir *= -1.0
var dir: float
match flank_side:
dir = signf(target.global_position.x - agent.global_position.x)
dir = -signf(target.global_position.x - agent.global_position.x)
dir = -target.get_facing()
dir = target.get_facing()
var flank_pos: Vector2 = target.global_position
flank_pos.x += dir * randf_range(range_min, range_max)
blackboard.set_var(position_var, flank_pos)
return SUCCESS

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ children = [SubResource("BTPlayAnimation_qiw21"), SubResource("BTRandomWait_xlud
script = ExtResource("2_ifiw3")
target_var = "target"
closest_side = true
flank_side = 0
range_min = 300
range_max = 400
position_var = "pos"

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ speed = 1.5
script = ExtResource("2_fl3fr")
target_var = "_target"
closest_side = false
flank_side = 1
range_min = 400
range_max = 600
position_var = "_flank_pos"

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ resource_name = "AnimationPlayer"
[sub_resource type="BTPlayAnimation" id="BTPlayAnimation_ppmxd"]
await_completion = 2.0
animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_s8evu")
animation_name = &"attack_3"
animation_name = &"attack_1"
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_ww5v2"]
custom_name = "Melee attack"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
[gd_resource type="BehaviorTree" load_steps=36 format=3 uid="uid://qqmjvbeibatn"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="1_oiqfa"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="2_b4wcf"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="3_hwbvn"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="3_pn7sq"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="4_330a2"]
[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://demo/ai/tasks/" id="5_morrs"]
[sub_resource type="BlackboardPlan" id="BlackboardPlan_46tbn"]
var/speed/name = "speed"
var/speed/type = 3
var/speed/value = 400.0
var/speed/hint = 1
var/speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/fast_speed/name = "fast_speed"
var/fast_speed/type = 3
var/fast_speed/value = 600.0
var/fast_speed/hint = 1
var/fast_speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
var/slow_speed/name = "slow_speed"
var/slow_speed/type = 3
var/slow_speed/value = 300.0
var/slow_speed/hint = 1
var/slow_speed/hint_string = "10,1000,10"
[sub_resource type="BBNode" id="BBNode_nrd4b"]
saved_value = NodePath("AnimationPlayer")
resource_name = "AnimationPlayer"
[sub_resource type="BTPlayAnimation" id="BTPlayAnimation_qiw21"]
animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_nrd4b")
animation_name = &"idle"
blend = 0.1
[sub_resource type="BTRandomWait" id="BTRandomWait_xlud8"]
min_duration = 1.5
max_duration = 3.0
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_ulbrf"]
script = ExtResource("1_oiqfa")
group = &"player"
output_var = "target"
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_yhjh1"]
custom_name = "Pause before action"
children = [SubResource("BTPlayAnimation_qiw21"), SubResource("BTRandomWait_xlud8"), SubResource("BTAction_ulbrf")]
[sub_resource type="BBNode" id="BBNode_wpj6d"]
saved_value = NodePath("AnimationPlayer")
resource_name = "AnimationPlayer"
[sub_resource type="BTPlayAnimation" id="BTPlayAnimation_olf37"]
animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_wpj6d")
animation_name = &"walk"
blend = 0.1
speed = 1.2
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_g5ayy"]
script = ExtResource("2_b4wcf")
target_var = "target"
closest_side = false
flank_side = 2
range_min = 100
range_max = 100
position_var = "flank_pos"
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_tv4lt"]
script = ExtResource("3_pn7sq")
target_position_var = "flank_pos"
speed_var = "fast_speed"
tolerance = 50.0
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_rgwic"]
children = [SubResource("BTAction_g5ayy"), SubResource("BTAction_tv4lt")]
[sub_resource type="BTTimeLimit" id="BTTimeLimit_xek5v"]
time_limit = 4.0
children = [SubResource("BTSequence_rgwic")]
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_kidxn"]
script = ExtResource("3_hwbvn")
target_var = "target"
[sub_resource type="BTCondition" id="BTCondition_uk4dg"]
script = ExtResource("4_330a2")
distance_min = 50.0
distance_max = 170.0
target_var = "target"
[sub_resource type="BTWait" id="BTWait_tadkc"]
duration = 0.1
[sub_resource type="BBNode" id="BBNode_s8evu"]
saved_value = NodePath("AnimationPlayer")
resource_name = "AnimationPlayer"
[sub_resource type="BTPlayAnimation" id="BTPlayAnimation_ppmxd"]
await_completion = 2.0
animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_s8evu")
animation_name = &"attack_3"
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_ww5v2"]
custom_name = "Melee attack"
children = [SubResource("BTCondition_uk4dg"), SubResource("BTWait_tadkc"), SubResource("BTPlayAnimation_ppmxd")]
[sub_resource type="BBNode" id="BBNode_wtnf2"]
saved_value = NodePath("AnimationPlayer")
resource_name = "AnimationPlayer"
[sub_resource type="BTPlayAnimation" id="BTPlayAnimation_k86qc"]
animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_wtnf2")
animation_name = &"idle"
blend = 0.1
[sub_resource type="BTRandomWait" id="BTRandomWait_m447o"]
min_duration = 0.3
max_duration = 0.6
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_b00uw"]
custom_name = "Short break"
children = [SubResource("BTPlayAnimation_k86qc"), SubResource("BTRandomWait_m447o")]
[sub_resource type="BBNode" id="BBNode_3iqcf"]
saved_value = NodePath("AnimationPlayer")
resource_name = "AnimationPlayer"
[sub_resource type="BTPlayAnimation" id="BTPlayAnimation_ee0ff"]
animation_player = SubResource("BBNode_3iqcf")
animation_name = &"walk"
blend = 0.1
speed = -0.7
[sub_resource type="BTAction" id="BTAction_4ye2y"]
script = ExtResource("5_morrs")
speed_var = "slow_speed"
max_angle_deviation = 0.7
[sub_resource type="BTTimeLimit" id="BTTimeLimit_cns1i"]
time_limit = 1.5
children = [SubResource("BTAction_4ye2y")]
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_y12eg"]
custom_name = "Back away"
children = [SubResource("BTPlayAnimation_ee0ff"), SubResource("BTTimeLimit_cns1i")]
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_1xfnq"]
custom_name = "Skirmish"
children = [SubResource("BTPlayAnimation_olf37"), SubResource("BTTimeLimit_xek5v"), SubResource("BTAction_kidxn"), SubResource("BTSequence_ww5v2"), SubResource("BTSequence_b00uw"), SubResource("BTSequence_y12eg")]
[sub_resource type="BTSequence" id="BTSequence_pxl2k"]
children = [SubResource("BTSequence_yhjh1"), SubResource("BTSequence_1xfnq")]
blackboard_plan = SubResource("BlackboardPlan_46tbn")
root_task = SubResource("BTSequence_pxl2k")

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ children = [SubResource("BTSequence_0gdqn")]
script = ExtResource("2_vbh52")
target_var = "target"
closest_side = true
flank_side = 0
range_min = 400
range_max = 1000
position_var = "shoot_pos"