.TH POCKETSPHINX_CONTINUOUS 1 "2007-08-27" .SH NAME pocketsphinx_continuous \- Run speech recognition in continuous listening mode .SH SYNOPSIS .B pocketsphinx_continuous .RI \fB\-hmm\fR \fIhmmdir\fR \fB\-dict\fR \fIdictfile\fR [\fI options \fR]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program opens the audio device and waits for speech. When it detects an utterance, it performs speech recognition on it. .\" ### ARGUMENTS ### .PP The .B \-hmm and .B \-dict arguments are always required. Either .B \-lm or .B \-fsg is required, depending on whether you are using a statistical language model or a finite-state grammar. .SH AUTHOR Written by numerous people at CMU from 1994 onwards. This manual page by David Huggins-Daines .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright \(co 1994-2007 Carnegie Mellon University. See the file \fICOPYING\fR included with this package for more information. .br .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR pocketsphinx_batch (1), .BR sphinx_fe (1). .br