/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2006 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * This work was supported in part by funding from the Defense Advanced * Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation of the * United States of America, and the CMU Sphinx Speech Consortium. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY * NOR ITS EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ==================================================================== * */ /* cmdln_macro.h - Command line definitions for PocketSphinx */ #ifndef __PS_CMDLN_MACRO_H__ #define __PS_CMDLN_MACRO_H__ #include #include #include /** Minimal set of command-line options for PocketSphinx. */ #define POCKETSPHINX_OPTIONS \ waveform_to_cepstral_command_line_macro(), \ cepstral_to_feature_command_line_macro(), \ POCKETSPHINX_ACMOD_OPTIONS, \ POCKETSPHINX_BEAM_OPTIONS, \ POCKETSPHINX_SEARCH_OPTIONS, \ POCKETSPHINX_DICT_OPTIONS, \ POCKETSPHINX_NGRAM_OPTIONS, \ POCKETSPHINX_FSG_OPTIONS, \ POCKETSPHINX_KWS_OPTIONS, \ POCKETSPHINX_DEBUG_OPTIONS /** Options for debugging and logging. */ #define POCKETSPHINX_DEBUG_OPTIONS \ { "-logfn", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "File to write log messages in" }, \ { "-debug", \ ARG_INT32, \ NULL, \ "Verbosity level for debugging messages" }, \ { "-mfclogdir", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Directory to log feature files to" \ }, \ { "-rawlogdir", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Directory to log raw audio files to" }, \ { "-senlogdir", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Directory to log senone score files to" \ } /** Options defining beam width parameters for tuning the search. */ #define POCKETSPHINX_BEAM_OPTIONS \ { "-beam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1e-48", \ "Beam width applied to every frame in Viterbi search (smaller values mean wider beam)" }, \ { "-wbeam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "7e-29", \ "Beam width applied to word exits" }, \ { "-pbeam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1e-48", \ "Beam width applied to phone transitions" }, \ { "-lpbeam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1e-40", \ "Beam width applied to last phone in words" }, \ { "-lponlybeam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "7e-29", \ "Beam width applied to last phone in single-phone words" }, \ { "-fwdflatbeam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1e-64", \ "Beam width applied to every frame in second-pass flat search" }, \ { "-fwdflatwbeam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "7e-29", \ "Beam width applied to word exits in second-pass flat search" }, \ { "-pl_window", \ ARG_INT32, \ "5", \ "Phoneme lookahead window size, in frames" }, \ { "-pl_beam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1e-10", \ "Beam width applied to phone loop search for lookahead" }, \ { "-pl_pbeam", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1e-10", \ "Beam width applied to phone loop transitions for lookahead" }, \ { "-pl_pip", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "1.0", \ "Phone insertion penalty for phone loop" }, \ { "-pl_weight", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "3.0", \ "Weight for phoneme lookahead penalties" } \ /** Options defining other parameters for tuning the search. */ #define POCKETSPHINX_SEARCH_OPTIONS \ { "-compallsen", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "no", \ "Compute all senone scores in every frame (can be faster when there are many senones)" }, \ { "-fwdtree", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "yes", \ "Run forward lexicon-tree search (1st pass)" }, \ { "-fwdflat", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "yes", \ "Run forward flat-lexicon search over word lattice (2nd pass)" }, \ { "-bestpath", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "yes", \ "Run bestpath (Dijkstra) search over word lattice (3rd pass)" }, \ { "-backtrace", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "no", \ "Print results and backtraces to log file." }, \ { "-latsize", \ ARG_INT32, \ "5000", \ "Initial backpointer table size" }, \ { "-maxwpf", \ ARG_INT32, \ "-1", \ "Maximum number of distinct word exits at each frame (or -1 for no pruning)" }, \ { "-maxhmmpf", \ ARG_INT32, \ "30000", \ "Maximum number of active HMMs to maintain at each frame (or -1 for no pruning)" }, \ { "-min_endfr", \ ARG_INT32, \ "0", \ "Nodes ignored in lattice construction if they persist for fewer than N frames" }, \ { "-fwdflatefwid", \ ARG_INT32, \ "4", \ "Minimum number of end frames for a word to be searched in fwdflat search" }, \ { "-fwdflatsfwin", \ ARG_INT32, \ "25", \ "Window of frames in lattice to search for successor words in fwdflat search " } /** Command-line options for keyword spotting */ #define POCKETSPHINX_KWS_OPTIONS \ { "-keyphrase", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Keyphrase to spot"}, \ { "-kws", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "A file with keyphrases to spot, one per line"}, \ { "-kws_plp", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1e-1", \ "Phone loop probability for keyword spotting" }, \ { "-kws_delay", \ ARG_INT32, \ "10", \ "Delay to wait for best detection score" }, \ { "-kws_threshold", \ ARG_FLOAT64, \ "1", \ "Threshold for p(hyp)/p(alternatives) ratio" } /** Command-line options for finite state grammars. */ #define POCKETSPHINX_FSG_OPTIONS \ { "-fsg", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Sphinx format finite state grammar file"}, \ { "-jsgf", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "JSGF grammar file" }, \ { "-toprule", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Start rule for JSGF (first public rule is default)" }, \ { "-fsgusealtpron", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "yes", \ "Add alternate pronunciations to FSG"}, \ { "-fsgusefiller", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "yes", \ "Insert filler words at each state."} /** Command-line options for statistical language models. */ #define POCKETSPHINX_NGRAM_OPTIONS \ { "-allphone", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Perform phoneme decoding with phonetic lm" }, \ { "-allphone_ci", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "no", \ "Perform phoneme decoding with phonetic lm and context-independent units only" }, \ { "-lm", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Word trigram language model input file" }, \ { "-lmctl", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Specify a set of language model\n"}, \ { "-lmname", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Which language model in -lmctl to use by default"}, \ { "-lw", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "6.5", \ "Language model probability weight" }, \ { "-fwdflatlw", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "8.5", \ "Language model probability weight for flat lexicon (2nd pass) decoding" }, \ { "-bestpathlw", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "9.5", \ "Language model probability weight for bestpath search" }, \ { "-ascale", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "20.0", \ "Inverse of acoustic model scale for confidence score calculation" }, \ { "-wip", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "0.65", \ "Word insertion penalty" }, \ { "-nwpen", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "1.0", \ "New word transition penalty" }, \ { "-pip", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "1.0", \ "Phone insertion penalty" }, \ { "-uw", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "1.0", \ "Unigram weight" }, \ { "-silprob", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "0.005", \ "Silence word transition probability" }, \ { "-fillprob", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "1e-8", \ "Filler word transition probability" } \ /** Command-line options for dictionaries. */ #define POCKETSPHINX_DICT_OPTIONS \ { "-dict", \ REQARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Main pronunciation dictionary (lexicon) input file" }, \ { "-fdict", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Noise word pronunciation dictionary input file" }, \ { "-dictcase", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "no", \ "Dictionary is case sensitive (NOTE: case insensitivity applies to ASCII characters only)" } \ /** Command-line options for acoustic modeling */ #define POCKETSPHINX_ACMOD_OPTIONS \ { "-hmm", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Directory containing acoustic model files."}, \ { "-featparams", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "File containing feature extraction parameters."}, \ { "-mdef", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Model definition input file" }, \ { "-senmgau", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Senone to codebook mapping input file (usually not needed)" }, \ { "-tmat", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "HMM state transition matrix input file" }, \ { "-tmatfloor", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "0.0001", \ "HMM state transition probability floor (applied to -tmat file)" }, \ { "-mean", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Mixture gaussian means input file" }, \ { "-var", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Mixture gaussian variances input file" }, \ { "-varfloor", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "0.0001", \ "Mixture gaussian variance floor (applied to data from -var file)" }, \ { "-mixw", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Senone mixture weights input file (uncompressed)" }, \ { "-mixwfloor", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "0.0000001", \ "Senone mixture weights floor (applied to data from -mixw file)" }, \ { "-aw", \ ARG_INT32, \ "1", \ "Inverse weight applied to acoustic scores." }, \ { "-sendump", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "Senone dump (compressed mixture weights) input file" }, \ { "-mllr", \ ARG_STRING, \ NULL, \ "MLLR transformation to apply to means and variances" }, \ { "-mmap", \ ARG_BOOLEAN, \ "yes", \ "Use memory-mapped I/O (if possible) for model files" }, \ { "-ds", \ ARG_INT32, \ "1", \ "Frame GMM computation downsampling ratio" }, \ { "-topn", \ ARG_INT32, \ "4", \ "Maximum number of top Gaussians to use in scoring." }, \ { "-topn_beam", \ ARG_STRING, \ "0", \ "Beam width used to determine top-N Gaussians (or a list, per-feature)" },\ { "-logbase", \ ARG_FLOAT32, \ "1.0001", \ "Base in which all log-likelihoods calculated" } #define CMDLN_EMPTY_OPTION { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } #endif /* __PS_CMDLN_MACRO_H__ */