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* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include "webrtc/base/basictypes.h"
#include "webrtc/base/sigslot.h"
#include "webrtc/base/taskparent.h"
// Task is a state machine infrastructure. States are pushed forward by
// pushing forwards a TaskRunner that holds on to all Tasks. The purpose
// of Task is threefold:
// (1) It manages ongoing work on the UI thread. Multitasking without
// threads, keeping it easy, keeping it real. :-) It does this by
// organizing a set of states for each task. When you return from your
// Process*() function, you return an integer for the next state. You do
// not go onto the next state yourself. Every time you enter a state,
// you check to see if you can do anything yet. If not, you return
// STATE_BLOCKED. If you _could_ do anything, do not return
// STATE_BLOCKED - even if you end up in the same state, return
// STATE_mysamestate. When you are done, return STATE_DONE and then the
// task will self-delete sometime afterwards.
// (2) It helps you avoid all those reentrancy problems when you chain
// too many triggers on one thread. Basically if you want to tell a task
// to process something for you, you feed your task some information and
// then you Wake() it. Don't tell it to process it right away. If it
// might be working on something as you send it information, you may want
// to have a queue in the task.
// (3) Finally it helps manage parent tasks and children. If a parent
// task gets aborted, all the children tasks are too. The nice thing
// about this, for example, is if you have one parent task that
// represents, say, and Xmpp connection, then you can spawn a whole bunch
// of infinite lifetime child tasks and now worry about cleaning them up.
// When the parent task goes to STATE_DONE, the task engine will make
// sure all those children are aborted and get deleted.
// Notice that Task has a few built-in states, e.g.,
// STATE_INIT - the task isn't running yet
// STATE_START - the task is in its first state
// STATE_RESPONSE - the task is in its second state
// STATE_DONE - the task is done
// STATE_ERROR - indicates an error - we should audit the error code in
// light of any usage of it to see if it should be improved. When I
// first put down the task stuff I didn't have a good sense of what was
// needed for Abort and Error, and now the subclasses of Task will ground
// the design in a stronger way.
// STATE_NEXT - the first undefined state number. (like WM_USER) - you
// can start defining more task states there.
// When you define more task states, just override Process(int state) and
// add your own switch statement. If you want to delegate to
// Task::Process, you can effectively delegate to its switch statement.
// No fancy method pointers or such - this is all just pretty low tech,
// easy to debug, and fast.
// Also notice that Task has some primitive built-in timeout functionality.
// A timeout is defined as "the task stays in STATE_BLOCKED longer than
// timeout_seconds_."
// Descendant classes can override this behavior by calling the
// various protected methods to change the timeout behavior. For
// instance, a descendand might call SuspendTimeout() when it knows
// that it isn't waiting for anything that might timeout, but isn't
// yet in the STATE_DONE state.
namespace rtc {
// Executes a sequence of steps
class Task : public TaskParent {
Task(TaskParent *parent);
~Task() override;
int32_t unique_id() { return unique_id_; }
void Start();
void Step();
int GetState() const { return state_; }
bool HasError() const { return (GetState() == STATE_ERROR); }
bool Blocked() const { return blocked_; }
bool IsDone() const { return done_; }
int64_t ElapsedTime();
// Called from outside to stop task without any more callbacks
void Abort(bool nowake = false);
bool TimedOut();
int64_t timeout_time() const { return timeout_time_; }
int timeout_seconds() const { return timeout_seconds_; }
void set_timeout_seconds(int timeout_seconds);
sigslot::signal0<> SignalTimeout;
// Called inside the task to signal that the task may be unblocked
void Wake();
enum {
STATE_NEXT = 5, // Subclasses which need more states start here and higher
// Called inside to advise that the task should wake and signal an error
void Error();
int64_t CurrentTime();
virtual std::string GetStateName(int state) const;
virtual int Process(int state);
virtual void Stop();
virtual int ProcessStart() = 0;
virtual int ProcessResponse();
void ResetTimeout();
void ClearTimeout();
void SuspendTimeout();
void ResumeTimeout();
virtual int OnTimeout();
void Done();
int state_;
bool blocked_;
bool done_;
bool aborted_;
bool busy_;
bool error_;
int64_t start_time_;
int64_t timeout_time_;
int timeout_seconds_;
bool timeout_suspended_;
int32_t unique_id_;
static int32_t unique_id_seed_;
} // namespace rtc
#endif // WEBRTC_BASE_TASK_H__